Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Ethnic Mob Clashes in China

Raw Footage: Warning the footage is graphic.

Clashes between Uighurs (pronounced ˈwē-ˌgr) and Han Chinese in Urumqi, China (population 2.3 Million) have reportedly killed 156 people and injured over 1,400 others causing the Chinese Government to send police and paramilitary troops to the city and Xinjiang region. Tensions had been brewing between the two ethnic groups for decades. Many Uighurs cite the Chinese Government's policies as being oppressive to their culture and livelihoods. It is reported that these policies include restrictions on religious practices (many Uighurs are practicing Sunni Muslims), phasing out of the Uighur language, and better economic opportunities given to ethnic Han Chinese, who now roughly make up 40% of the population in the Xinjiang region.

Reports state that the clash began when Uighurs protesters protesting the Chinese Government's handling of a brawl between Uighurs and Han factory workers when a rumor at the factory was spread accusing some workers of raping two women, ended with the death of some Uighur workers, began to attack Han Citizens and Han neighborhoods in retaliation, last Sunday. In return, some Hans mobs began targeting Uighur neighborhoods.

After the government crackdown in the region a curfew has been imposed from 9 PM to 8 AM and China's President, Hu Jintao has cut short his visit to Italy for the G8 Summit to help stabilize the country.

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