Thursday, July 30, 2009

Have a Problem. Drink a Beer.

Today President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden hosted a beer chat on a patio in the Rose Garden of the White House with Cambridge, MA police officer Sgt. James Crowley and head of Harvard University's African and African American Studies, Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Both men brought their families along with them to the White House where they greeted each other and toured the White House together before the beer chat.

After the beer chat Sgt. Crowley gave a press conference and stated that the meeting between him and Prof. Gates Jr. was productive. Prof. Gates Jr. wrote on, "Let me say that I thank God that I live in a country in which police officers put their lives at risk to protect us every day, and, more than ever, I’ve come to understand and appreciate their daily sacrifices on our behalf. I’m also grateful that we live in a country where freedom of speech is a sacrosanct value and I hope that one day we can get to know each other better, as we began to do at the White House this afternoon over beers with President Obama."

P.S.: If you're wondering which each individual had to drink President Obama had a Bud Light. Vice President Biden had a Bucklers (Non-Alcoholic; He has stated before that he's never drunken alcohol before). Prof. Henry Louis Gates Jr. had a Sam Adams Light. And Sgt. James Crowley had a Blue Moon.

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